Richard began his first business in Indonesia. He went travelling back in the 1990’s and eventually settled in Indonesia because he loved it there. He met his wife and then began his first but related business. A number of years later, after surviving a couple of natural disasters, he and his wife moved back to the UK and started up Home Gifts Garden. His first business meant he had a knowledge of and links to all the little artisan producers and cottage industries in Indonesia, so he was able to source unique items from these little producers, bring them to the UK and now sells them via his online shop.
You can listen to it right here on my website or head over to Spotify or iTunes.
Such a brilliant business. Richard sounds like one very busy man and has created something unique using a knowledge built up over years of living in Indonesia.
A very interesting conversation, I am sure you will agree. I was very inspired after having this chat and excited to see what new products Richard is bringing to the UK from the artisans in Indonesia.
The biggest thing I took away is connections and building up a network is so very important. Plus it is good to cut out the middle man and go your own way sourcing the products that you want to sell.
Richard is on my shopping directory, you can find the Home Gifts Garden shop page here.
I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I loved creating it. Be great if you could do any or all of these: share it, follow it, subscribe to it, rate it or whatever else you can do to get this podcast out into the world. Everything helps to fly the shop independent flag.
Until next time, thanks for listening to The Shop Independent Show. I hope you enjoy The Shop Independent Show Home Gifts Garden.
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