Let me explain.
I was having a chat with a friend who runs a gorgeous jewellery shop. We were talking about her lovely collections and she said “people seem to love my products, but why don’t more people buy them?”
There are lots of other factors that go into it but to attract a shopper in the first place it all starts with a reason to buy, a need.
Even more so when your shop is online rather than a physical shop. Where random browsing is not so easy as wandering around a shop on the highstreet.
Lets think about this for a moment.
Shopping online starts with a need more often than not. Apart from maybe when some kind of marketing on social media catches your eye or when you get an email announcing a sale. Or when you impulse buy.
The shopper goes online and types in their need. “Gift for chicken lover”, “walking gear”, “first anniversary present”. Or whatever. Up then comes lots of relevant places who offer what you need and away they go hopefully finding the perfect thing for their need at that moment.
Find your ideal customers need. When someone comes to your shop what is their need, what is their reason for being there? Crack this and everything else you do becomes oh so obvious.
Lets break this down. You have a shop selling gorgeous blankets for babies. What are all the reasons that someone may buy a baby blanket? Their need may be “gorgeous baby blanket” in which case you have cracked it. However, their need may also be “gift for new born baby” or “how to keep my baby warm when outside” or “really warm baby blanket”.
For a jewellery shop why would someone buy your jewellery? It may be that someone simply wants an aqua bead necklace. In which case if that is what you sell brilliant! However, it is more likely to be an occasion or a particular material or if you sell famous brands maybe it is related to this.
So, for each product ask yourself “why will someone buy this, what is their need and reason to buy?”
Then create your content around this need. Product heading, product description, blog post or social media content.
Search engines then can find your product next time someone types in “hand cream that make my hands look 20 years younger.” I can dream!!
I hope you have found this latest Shop Talk post helpful.
I am looking forward to sharing lots more advice here on my Shop Talk blog. There are lots more tips on my Shop Talk blog already.