Discover British Independent Shops Online

Behind the Scenes of Independent Shops : Our Shops

Coming soon…Our Shops!

A behind the scenes look at independent on-line shops.

Getting up close and curious with it’s lovely owner.  I can’t wait!  I love seeing the reality of peoples lives and what drives them to do what they do.

So excited to be sharing all these amazingly inspiring stories with you.


Me and My Shop. Sharing behind the scenes of independent online shops at Love Our Shops UK

A question for you. 

Why do we like to see into each others lives?  Are we being nosy, or just interested?

Everybody has a different reason.  To compare, be inspired, genuine interest, curiosity, to learn, because we care or so that we have something to chat to our friends about?

For me personally, I just love seeing how others live their life, so I can be inspired and learn from them. So that I can see if I have anything in common with them. Partly also, it is to see if I like them and if they are my kind of person.


Our Shops Finding Out More Behind The Independent Shops On-Line.

I have created Our Shops blog series. so we can get to know the shop and it’s owner.  They all have amazing stories.


I am so looking forward to finding out about how they spend their day.

Why they do what they do?

How and where they run their online shop?

What inspires them?

What are they passionate about?

And lots of other insights into their lives, being an online shopkeeper.


Everyone is different, in so many ways. When people share their story and passion for what they do it is so infectious and inspiring.


Did you dream of being a shop keeper when you were little?

I certainly did, and running one is such an exciting thing to do. It is also a very busy way to live your life.

I ran one for almost 10 years and still miss the thrill of packing an order, deciding on what lovely products to stock and receiving a wonderful email from a happy customer. Sometimes I would go in my stock room and look through all the lovely items I had for sale.  That always made me happy and proud of what I had created.


I love to shop at independent shops as it feels more personable.

More often than not, the person packing and sending out your order is the shop owner. If it isn’t them, it is one of their small team, who genuinely love their job and enjoy sending your order to you.

The person you connect with on an independent shops social media, is nearly always the owner. The person you email or call is (you guessed it) usually the shop owner. I love this and I like getting to know them and supporting them. Their personality and passion always shines through.


Seeing what goes on behind the scenes of a small independent shop is intriguing. Much more interesting than the seeing the large warehouse of a high street name or an on-line shopping big boy throwing your order into a box. Quite often, it is all done in one room: the website updates, marketing, product storage (even making) and order packing all done in one well organised (or sometimes chaotic) space.

I can’t wait to share all these wonderfully inspiring stories with you. I hope you like them as much as I do.





Me and My Shop. Sharing behind the scenes of independent online shops at Love Our Shops UK

Our Shops. Sharing behind the scenes of independent online shops at Love Our Shops UK

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